I am running the
Dubai Women’s 10K Run
on 7th November, 2014
Raising funds for the Cholangiocarinoma Foundation
10 years ago tomorrow I lost my mother. She was a vibrant woman in her 60s planning her next overseas adventure and thinking about retirement. She then had to go into hospital to have her gallbladder removed. This was such a standard procedure that she hadn't bothered to tell us that she was having the surgery. Sadly my mother never left hospital.
Eight weeks after having her gallbladder removed she died of a Cholangiocarcimoa, better known as Bile Duct Cancer. It is one of the rarest and most aggressive forms of cancer. It can strike anyone at any age and has an extremely low survival rate beyond one year. By the time most people with this disease start to experience symptoms it is usually in it’s advanced stages. Given its location within the body, bile duct cancers are often inoperable and conventional treatments such as radiation and chemotherapy are ineffective. Whilst this cancer is rare it’s prevalence is increasing.
The Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation is a not for profit organisation that supports suffers and research efforts. They have made a wonderful contribution to research and awareness into this form of Cancer, however require support to continue to find a cure.
If you would like to make a donation to this worthy cause, please click this link http://www.firstgiving.com/fundraiser/nataliewickenden/dubaiholdingswomensrun